We’ve been developing healed leaders who are advocating for better lives.

We are building capacity in the most marginalized communities of color within Stockton.

Join our team to help bring positive change within your community.

The Concrete Method

The Concrete Method is a person-centered approach which equips individuals with the tools needed for healing, development, and advocacy. Our stories and lived experiences inform our organizing efforts to Connect, Correct, and Create pathways to services.


We help individuals truly understand themselves and their own experiences with violence and trauma, while contextualizing it within an education of history and the systems that we live with.


We focus on self-actualization: helping participants set goals for themselves and create new paradigms for how they will live.


From this informed position they begin examining policies, both new and old, that lead to impact in their lives and practice self-advocacy through grass root organizing.
of participants who entered the program became employed.
of the participants who were justice/system impacted ceased to reoffend.
of those participants who were on parole made early parole within a year of the program.
Individuals served in the last 5 years.
Year Started

Data updated in July 2023.

What drives us

Our mission is to Equip violence-impacted and marginalized individuals (the Concrete) with life-sustaining tools that Empower and Educate them to Engage in self-healing, self-development, and self-advocacy.

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Meet the Concrete

Want to get involved?

Stockton: (209) 905-4501


1234 W Oak Street
Stockton, CA 95203